Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gesture....hmm.... Sign language?

What is the guy in the picture doing? Most of us will probably decode his body language and gestures as surprised or like an "Oh, my, goodness" moment. Even though we do not really hear to his speech, we could probably guess what he is doing. I think a successful speech definitely need this important element. Some really effective gestures that I would probably use in my speech are doing the motion of drinking coffee and eating food, these gesture will probably acts as a guide for my audience to catch up easily, in case they might not know a word, or they are just tuning-off when I am speaking, while still paying attention to my actions. Also, pointing out my fingers for numbers will probably be efficient in case my pronunciation was not clear, or it is just that the person missed out on something I said. Sometimes, I randomly add in gestures during my speech for two purposes. First, my hands just decided to do it, or I have seen some other speakers done it on stage. Secondly, which is my favorite part of using random gestures is that I can hide my shaking hands, which means I can hide my nervous in front of the audience. They might think I am well prepared with the gestures, so they think I am not nervous at all, but the truth is that I am hiding my true fear inside, it is just that my audience cannot really tell from my gestures. I think gestures are very good tools not only for speeches, but also daily conversations with others. I really enjoy using gestures to express how I feel, and trick people into thinking that I am not nervous on the stage.

1 comment:

  1. TOAST Score: 12/12

    T: 2/2.
    O: 0/0.
    A: 5/5. Interesting that you get nervous... I don't see it!
    S: 2/2.
    T: 3/3.
