Monday, August 22, 2011

Shannon Weaver

It was very difficult for me to describe a picture when I and my partner are not on the same page. It is especially harder for me if I have to communicate with my partner using English with the lack of vocabulary I have for different shapes. Decoding is also a hard part to this activity. All the figures that were put out there, they looked so easy if we just trace it of the screen, and I am sure that it will be done in just a minute. However, when we depend on another person's description, we get confuse, and we try everything to just understand what exactly they are talking about. I do not think I will have much problems when it was describe in Chinese, since all Chinese characters describe things so exactly, and it is my first language. English vocabulary is probably the most difficult conflict I have to deal with in this activity.

1 comment:

  1. TOAST Score: 15/20 (See Mr. Webb's blog for explanation.)

    T: 3/5. Pretty good job!
    O: 4/5.
    A: 5/5.
    S: 0/0.
    T: 3/5.
