Friday, August 31, 2012

The "so-called" McDonald System

Try surfing on a serf?

Intro to Feudalism: 

Feudalism is a form of government in which social classes determine the worth of a person. The reason that caused this form of government to flourished is the response to no authority and chaos in a country's government. Many people turned to Feudalism during the period when the government is very disorganized, and is unable to protect the people of the country. Feudalism rose up in European countries around 850-1000. Later, some Asian countries, such as Japan and China, also adapted Feudalism.  

How does Feudalism work? 

Like I mentioned, Feudalism works along with different levels of social classes. On the top, there is a king who is the owner of everything that is under his power or territory. Below the king, there is a social class of people called the lords. These lords are trusted by the king, and have been given parts of the king's land, which the lords are responsible for. These lords then divided up their lands to the lesser lords, or the vassals, or the barons, who are in charge of their part. In return for the given land, the lords receive loyalty, military, and crops from the vassals. Underneath the vassals, there is a knight, who takes care of his part, and provides military to his vassal. At the bottom of the society, lies the peasants, or the serfs. These peasants are not given much freedom for anything, they have to work for their knights, and give the best of everything to their knights. In addition, there is a low chance for the peasants to rise up to higher position in the society.

Here is a little mnemonic of the classes of Feudalism that I came up with:

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