Operation Communication!!
Here you can find some speech topic ideas, my projects, my speeches, and some useful high school class content to help you out with your writer's block! :)
Friday, December 9, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
I hear TAPA singing...
"Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you're nuts
Singing out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world, sing it for the world
You've got to see what tomorrow brings
Sing it for the world
Sing it for the world
Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs
Sing it for the world
Sing it for the world"- Sing by Glee
Saturday, December 3, 2011
TED talk!!
"Each and everyone of us has a vital part to play in building the kind of world, in which government and technology serve the world's people and not the other way around."-Rebecca MacKinnon
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
You got eyes, USE THEM!!
Talking is not the most effective way to teach people how to do something, perhaps, actions are way better than just descriptions.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Terry Fox- Marathon of Hope for cancer
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Great Heroes
Terry Fox
Site #1: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2010/09/13/f-terry-fox-run-30.html
He was an ordinary guy who love sports. Although he was not the best of the group, he kept on trying harder and harder. He was encouraged to join the cross-country club by a teacher. Eventually, he studied physical education in collage. Everything seems to be perfect all the way, however, he found out he had a serious pain in his right knees, which was caused by a tumor of bone cancer. Because of this, he had to cut off his right leg up until six inches above his knees. He had no other choice, because there were not much money for research of cancer in Canada in that period of time. He decided to do something about it and make a change to all people who have cancer. He started to practice his favorite sport, cross-country. It was extremely tough for him, because he had to first learn to walk on articial legs. However, for the spirit of not giving up, he started his journey, the Marathon of Hope. He did not stop any moment during his journey. He wanted the Marathon of Hope become a hope to all cancer patients. Unfortunetly, his cancer already spread from the leg to his lung. He only had a chance to finish a little pass half of the marathon. It was not the end of his goal. Isadore Sharp decided to keep this marathon ongoing called the Terry Fox run. It was first held in Canada with no winner, no award, but the goal to raise the hope of cancer. More countries joined the marathon later on, and the marathon become a world wide event held around the world for one and the only goal for raising money for cancer research.
Taryn Davis
Site #2: http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cnn.heroes/archive11/taryn.davis.html
She loves her husband with all her heart. Unfortunately, her husband died in the battlefield of Iraq. She is now carrying the burden in her heart, and she is no longer a happy wife, but a widow. She felt so depressed of losing her love one. She wants to talk about her feeling with others, but no one understand her. It feels even more sarcasm that people tell her that she is still young, she can remarry anytime she wants. She just cannot put down her burden, so she decided to look for a group that she can join and talk out loud what she feels inside without people insulting her. She Google about it, but even Google shut her down but stating, "Did you mean window?" She knows in her heart that she needs to stand up to this, and make a difference. She tried to connect to other military widows that unfortunately lost their husbands or fiancé in Iraq. Many widows like her idea of building The American Widow Project. They set website pages, Facebook pages, for this only goal to achieve-connect to every depressed widow. They plan events in different cities, where couple widows meet together and just have some fun. Taryn Davis gives other widows the power to stand up to their feelings, and let them know that it is not the end of the world, because there are still so many things in the world that they can just enjoy without thinking about the sadness they had.
Mackenzie Bearup
Site #3: http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cnn.heroes/archive10/mackenzie.bearup.htm
At the age of 16, Mackenzie danced on her bed to American idol like any other teenager would, her knee felt a serious pain that she cannot stand up. After another few days, her knee swell very large, then she consult a doctor. The doctor said that she has Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, which her injury area will continue to tell her pain to her brain. Her pain was very horrible and hard to describe, but she did not give up, so she continue to go back to doctor for cures. She figured out a way to avoid thinking about the pain while being cure, was to read a book. She believed it is true that reading does help her. She wanted to spread this message to kids that are homeless or having serious sickness. Therefore, she started to collect books and give out flyers to fill a center library that had not filled with books yet. She was very active, and she did whatever it takes to help collect books for children. She started out her goal for 300 books, however, she ended up with 3000 books. She filter books into different categories, and she loves helping kids finding books that she loved for the kid's age. She loves helping these children because when she see the smile on the children's face, she does not feel her constant pain anymore.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Gesture....hmm.... Sign language?
What is the guy in the picture doing? Most of us will probably decode his body language and gestures as surprised or like an "Oh, my, goodness" moment. Even though we do not really hear to his speech, we could probably guess what he is doing. I think a successful speech definitely need this important element. Some really effective gestures that I would probably use in my speech are doing the motion of drinking coffee and eating food, these gesture will probably acts as a guide for my audience to catch up easily, in case they might not know a word, or they are just tuning-off when I am speaking, while still paying attention to my actions. Also, pointing out my fingers for numbers will probably be efficient in case my pronunciation was not clear, or it is just that the person missed out on something I said. Sometimes, I randomly add in gestures during my speech for two purposes. First, my hands just decided to do it, or I have seen some other speakers done it on stage. Secondly, which is my favorite part of using random gestures is that I can hide my shaking hands, which means I can hide my nervous in front of the audience. They might think I am well prepared with the gestures, so they think I am not nervous at all, but the truth is that I am hiding my true fear inside, it is just that my audience cannot really tell from my gestures. I think gestures are very good tools not only for speeches, but also daily conversations with others. I really enjoy using gestures to express how I feel, and trick people into thinking that I am not nervous on the stage.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Caffeine.....Harmful? Hyper? Anything?..... Part 2
Site #1: http://www.webmd.com/balance/caffeine-myths-and-facts
Many people claim about different things about caffeine, both good and bad. We never know are they trying to trick us to buy their products or it is just the truth, we only know that we must be concerned about scientific studies in order to get the correct information about caffeine. First, caffeine sure will effect your nervous system and make you feel hyper, but it is unlike other drugs that will cause you to be addictive and lead you to OCD of getting caffeine. It is better to cut off your caffeine intake slowly, because it will cause you to have headache, tiredness, worries, easily anger, depression, and difficult to concentrate. Second, your body can easily absorb caffeine. About half of caffeine consumed will absorbed in about five to seven hours;about eight to ten hours, your body will absorbed 75% of caffeine consumed. Base on this fact, we know that as long as we do not intake caffeine about six hours before sleep, then we will probably not have any problem to fall asleep during night time. Third, here are some relationships between intake caffeine and diseases. People claim that intake caffeine will increase the risk of osteoporosis. It could be a true statement when you do not have enough calcium intake to cancel the amount of caffeine you intake, because caffeine causes you to want to urine easily, which losses your calcium and magnesium in your body easily. However, you could intake more calcium to cancel out the amour of caffeine you intake, such as putting milk to your coffee. As long as you intake enough calcium, caffeine will not have big dramatic effect to your bones. Caffeine will cause your heart rate and blood pressure to increase a little bit, however, scientific tests had not show any link between caffeine intake and heart diseases. It is still better if people that have high blood pressure to ask a doctor about the limit of caffeine intake they should have, because caffeine still has a slightly effect to blood pressure. Scientific tests had not shown any relationship between caffeine and cancer, instead, they even think that caffeine could even cure some cancer, because it has anti-inflammatory to improve our body's immune function. Fourth, people claim that caffeine effect pregnancy. Research had not found any direct relationships, however, doctors still suggest a pregnant woman should have no more than 200mg of caffeine intake per day. Fifth, caffeine has nothing to do with dehydration, however, because of caffeine, you are most likely needing to go the bathroom more often. Sixth, people claim that caffeine is harmful to kids, however, 300mg of caffeine intake for kids are not harmful as shown in research. It is not healthy for children, because the sources of kids intake caffeine are usually over-sweeten soft drinks, and this sugar may cause obesity because it is over-amount of calories for kids everyday. Seventh, caffeine has some benefit when it comes to curing or avoiding sickness, because it is an anti-inflammatory function to help people to improve their immune system. It can also cure some allergy, because it decrease your ability to concentrate.
Site #2: http://www.everydiet.org/994/coffee-caffeine-and-its-effects-in-the-human-body
Caffeine started to have effects on your body as soon as you intake it. After 15 mintues, your body will started to feel the effects, such as hands are getting cold, muscles are tighten, feeling excitement, and Increasing heart beat. It is a normal reaction after caffeine intake, because it has effects in your cardiac system, respiratory system, and your muscle tissues. Caffeine will not be stored in your body,and it will be let out by urine, which half of the caffeine intake will be let out around six hours after the intake. Caffeine is not a nutrition that is in the list of things in our physiological needs. It is not a good idea to over use caffeine, because it causes you to increase your concentration, which could effect your ability to fall asleep during night. It is better to keep your caffeine intake range of about less than 3 cups of coffee per day.
Site #3: http://4david.home.xs4all.nl/caffeine.html
Caffeine was origionally found in Arabia. A cup of coffee contains more caffeine than a cup of tea. After five minutes of consumed of caffeine, the caffeine started to spread through all the tissues that are in your body. Then, your highest blodd level is reached around 30 mintues after consuming caffeine. Then, in about 4 hours, half of the caffeine intake will be let out by urine, however, less than 3% of caffeine will still be in your urine. Even just one cup of coffee will have a dramatic reaction in your body, such as increase of breathe and urine rate, and blood pressure. The caffeine will affect your brain and behavior depending and vary from person's personality and surrounding. Caffeine will also cause you to not easily to fall asleep deeply, even if you can fall asleep, you will not able to get a good rest in your sleep. People who intake caffeine over 650mg per day may have problem to fall asleep,and easily anger and worried. Caffeine could possibly help our body to reproduce some cells, however, no one has evident that shows it has something to do with cancer. Caffeine are use in medicine such as pain killer and reduce headaches.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Caffeine.... Harmful? Hyper? Anything...?
Site #1: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/caffeine.html
There are many sources where we can find caffeine. Some sources are very common useage of caffeine in our daily life, such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks. Caffeine can affect our body in many different ways, such as our body's metabolism and our nervous system. Two to four cups of caffeine usage per day will not be too harmful, however, overuse of caffeine could cause serious problems in very day life. It will be harder for us to fall asleep, easily to get angry, and easily to get angry.It might also give you headaches, and sometimes it might also get your heart into trouble. Everyone has different limit in the usage of caffeine, however, we know that a pregnant woman, because it is not good for the baby.
Site #2: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/caffeine/AN01211
According to this website, I now know the exact amount of the range of caffeine we can use per day, which the highest is 500-600 mg. It seems like a very big range, however, there are so many sources that we eat that contains a lot of caffeine, such as diet coke, Starbucks, Mountain Dew, Hersey's chocolate, and so many more. Let's say you drink 3 cups of 16 oz Starbucks vanilla latte a day, you are already in a very dangerous range of over using caffeine, which is very bad for your health. We must then know about some statistic of caffeine that are very common in our daily life, and plan how to use caffeine safe with these numbers of caffeine contains.
Site #3: http://kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/nutrition/caffeine.html
Caffeine are mostly consumed in soft drinks along with sugar for most teens. It will not be store as nutrient in our body but it will have direct effects on our bodies. Shorter people are should drink caffeine less than other. Also, if the more a person consume caffeine, the less reactive will the caffeine be to the person. It is unlike wine, you could actually make your limit of caffeine larger than before, however, it is not healthy to do that. Caffeine causes people to want to go to bathroom more, because of this, it is better to avoid to use caffeine on hot weather, so that you will not use all of your water in your body when you are sweating at the same time. Caffeine could also causes your bones to lose its tightness, which could cause serious bone disease. Caffeine can sometimes be use for medicine, however, bad usage of caffeine could also make a sickness even worse. For teens, we should not use caffeine more than 100 mg per day, not only it affects our health, but also it affects our growing speed. Too much caffeine is not good for us, however, it is not a good idea to cut it down too fast, because it could also get you sick.Try to substitute your caffeine source with other source that contains less or none caffeine until you reach 100 mg per day, then you are successful in your cut down caffeine process.
Site #4: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002579.htm
Site #5: http://science.howstuffworks.com/caffeine.htm
Site #6: http://www.energyfiend.com/the-caffeine-database
Monday, September 19, 2011
Survival Skill

This survival skill is water filtering with coconuts, We choose this survival skill because Boulders Taller Than the Great Tower of Seville. In this article the explorers were running out of water and they couldn't find a water for a while. They asked a Indian to guide them, but they weren't able to find it. So we thought that this survival skill can be realted to the article. It is very useful because normally they use plastic water bottle, but this time we come up with this awesome idea to use coconut. (Because they don't have plastic water bottles at that time period.)
First, you have to prepare two empty coconuts and cut the top and the of a coconut. The other one you just need to cut the top.
Second, put some grass, sand, and rocks to create a filter.
Third, after you put all these materials to the coconut and you can pour the dirty water into the coconut filter.
Four, repeate the same step for a while
Five, now you have the clean water!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Planet of life
On June 28th, 3001. It was my birthday for 1005 years.I was lucky on that day that I got 5 free ticket from the VERY-FAST Rocket company, which is just coincidenly enough for my whole family to go on this trip. I guess this luck came as my birthday wish, so I did not doubt even a little and accepted the gift. The company treated us to a planet that only 5Th astronomers groups from NASA had been to. We are the 6th group to get on this planet!!! How cool is that? I tried to Google this planet, but there is not even a post about it anywhere around the world, since not even many NASA groups has been up to this planet to explore. I am very terrified first of knowing that not even NASA has quite a lot of information about this planet. However, because of my curiousness, I still decided to attend this exciting journey. I believe it is going to be a fun one. Finally, the rocket shoot through the cloud, been over Jupiter, Moon, Venus, and some other comet. It is not such a surprise because space traveling is so common nowadays. Finally, we see this undiscovered planet, which they did not named it just yet. I, myself came of with a name for this planet. I called it the planet of life. When I first see this planet, it feels like I have just started a new life of mine. Everything is very fresh, we do not even need a helmet for oxygen. I even believe that the air there is much more clear than the polluted air on earth. When I first see this planet, I fall in love with it. It is like the most beautiful planet I have ever seen. It is prettier than Jupiter, Moon, and Venus.Native people there was very friendly to us. Although we do not understand a word they say, and they look like crazy scary monsters to me, they treated us very friendly with good food and place to stay. They even treated us like if we were the customers of their hotel without actually having to give them tip or any retreat. Well, probably the company had paid them, but I still think they are much kind than those that are in the earth's or other planets' hotel servers. It had been a really long day, so I guess that was enough of story on the first day.
On June 29th, 3001. My first day of actually living on this planet. Everything is pretty new to me and my family. The hotel employee still treated us very nicely, and they put all the effort in trying to understand our needs. The VERY-FAST rocket company also set up a tour for us leading by the hotel manager. He is a really great guy. He knows all about the planet and he took us to some famous places on their planet. Surprisingly, the famous places they took us to are all available on earth, such as the Great Wall of China, the Tokyo Tower, Taipei 101, the ship hotel in Dubai, the Statue of Liberty, and lots more that we can see on earth. Acting is the only way that we were able to communicate with each other. For no reason, I guess they all mastered in drama, since they are so good on expressing their thought through acting, and understand my poorly skilled acting. I asked them why do they have them. He said one of their expert astronomer had been to earth,and he took the idea from earth and made them just like it, because they thought it was very beautiful. They believe that these buildings will somehow connect to the earth visitors, so that these visitors will enjoy their planet and still seeing what they are familiar. Honestly, I am very touched by their action. Touring around the planet was a lot of work, and I had seen a lot of beauty of this planet, so I decided to go back to our hotel and get some rest to prepare for our last stay tomorrow.
On June 30th, 3001. Our last day staying at this planet. I kind of miss my friends back home on earth. However, I am surely going to miss every beauty of this planet I had experienced these past few days. I won't say that I will not live here at all, because I am sure that this planet is worth for me to come and visit at least once every year. Then, I wave good-bye to all these nice person on the planet, I say good-bye to all these beautiful buildings, and I shouted to the sky saying, "I will miss you all, I promise I will come back and visit my favorite planet. I love you, and you will always be my planet of life!!!" Right before I got on to the rocket, the hotel manager gave me his name card. He told me to not ever forget about him, his employees, and this beautiful planet. His last word to me, which I remember very clearly, "Good-Bye, we love you very much, too!" I do not know where did he get that from, and how did he learn to speak in English. I only know that this good-bye will not be forever, but a promise that I will keep to come visit them again.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
1. Motivation:
Political motives:They wanted to own great powers, sea powers, and explorations.
Economy motives: They wanted spicy and good food, so they built land routes. Some wanted to build gold, silver, and valueable stones.
Religion motives: There was only one religion in Europe, Christianity. They wanted to expand their beliefs around the world.
Knowledge motives: The European had the knowledge that the world is bigger than they thought, so they started to explore.
Myths:He started out his route to find the fountain of youth, but instead he found Florida.
People started out their route looking for seven cities of gold in Mexico City.
I really like that your group has very organize and detailed power point. It is very pretty. Also, I really like that your group was well prepared with many information that I never heard about before. Very good job!
2. Navigation 1:
Christopher Columbus:He was not the first to explore America, but he had big role in finding Europe.
Sandglass:They used it for determine time.
Pole Star: It is an object that shows the way, basically like a compass.
The log line: They used it to determine their ship speed.
Compas: It was require to learn to use this in order to sail.
Celestial navigation: they use sun, moon, and stars to find their direction.
Quadrant:They used the angle to measure the distance.
I like that your group's power point was simple and easy to catch up. I also like how your group explained every devices very well. It was pretty cool listening to new ideas that have not heard before. Great job!
3. Navigation 2:
Pilot was very important to the boat, but they only had good knowledge in certain areas. The chart was called the portolan, which was made of goat or sheep skin. People believed there was marmaid that distract the boats.They only know Atlantic Ocean, Africa, and Europe.
I think your group did well, but it seems like your group was not well-prepared enough with the information. However, I still enjoyed the presentation learning about those technics they used back then. I was especially interested in the myth of marmaid, it was quite different from other topics that were mentioned in the presentation. Very well done!
4. Ships
Santa Maria was the tallest of all Columbus's ships. Ships are empty for caring goods for trades. Ship could be small for travel purposes. No engines on the ships, they use winds to motive. Towering is for people to watch far in front of the ship.
I learned a lot from very last section of how different ships function in different way. However, the parts before were not so clear. I did not get much information from it. Maybe it was the volume of the speech, or a more detailed power point will be useful. Very well done!
Political motives:They wanted to own great powers, sea powers, and explorations.
Economy motives: They wanted spicy and good food, so they built land routes. Some wanted to build gold, silver, and valueable stones.
Religion motives: There was only one religion in Europe, Christianity. They wanted to expand their beliefs around the world.
Knowledge motives: The European had the knowledge that the world is bigger than they thought, so they started to explore.
Myths:He started out his route to find the fountain of youth, but instead he found Florida.
People started out their route looking for seven cities of gold in Mexico City.
I really like that your group has very organize and detailed power point. It is very pretty. Also, I really like that your group was well prepared with many information that I never heard about before. Very good job!
2. Navigation 1:
Christopher Columbus:He was not the first to explore America, but he had big role in finding Europe.
Sandglass:They used it for determine time.
Pole Star: It is an object that shows the way, basically like a compass.
The log line: They used it to determine their ship speed.
Compas: It was require to learn to use this in order to sail.
Celestial navigation: they use sun, moon, and stars to find their direction.
Quadrant:They used the angle to measure the distance.
I like that your group's power point was simple and easy to catch up. I also like how your group explained every devices very well. It was pretty cool listening to new ideas that have not heard before. Great job!
3. Navigation 2:
Pilot was very important to the boat, but they only had good knowledge in certain areas. The chart was called the portolan, which was made of goat or sheep skin. People believed there was marmaid that distract the boats.They only know Atlantic Ocean, Africa, and Europe.
I think your group did well, but it seems like your group was not well-prepared enough with the information. However, I still enjoyed the presentation learning about those technics they used back then. I was especially interested in the myth of marmaid, it was quite different from other topics that were mentioned in the presentation. Very well done!
4. Ships
Santa Maria was the tallest of all Columbus's ships. Ships are empty for caring goods for trades. Ship could be small for travel purposes. No engines on the ships, they use winds to motive. Towering is for people to watch far in front of the ship.
I learned a lot from very last section of how different ships function in different way. However, the parts before were not so clear. I did not get much information from it. Maybe it was the volume of the speech, or a more detailed power point will be useful. Very well done!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Speech topics
1. Reporter: I like to speak a lot, and it is actually a pretty challenge job, because as a reporter, they must conquer their fear being seen by all the people to where the news will be broadcast to. I will introduce what are some helpful tips for being a reporter.
2. Radio DJ: Like I said, I like to talk, that is what DJs normally do, they talk to people. It is not such a big challenge like a reporter for conquering the fear of being up stage. However, there is that challenge that DJs have to update their information around the world all the time, and know exactly what to say when people call in. I will be introducing how to throw random topics on a show.
4. Singer: I like to sing very much. I really wish that my voice can touch many people. I will be introducing some helpful tips on how to sing well up on the stage.
5. Director of a show: I don't actually know why, but I am really into these media fields. Directing a show will be very cool. Directors are most likely the biggest star before all the other casts that are on the show. They control everything in the show, which is quite interesting for me. I will be introducing how should a director behave and what do we need in order to be successful.
6. Newsreader: I think it will be a very cool job. It is more challenge than a reporter, because reporters are basically jus reading off facts, however, a newsreader must not only read off facts in correct pronunciation, but also with extraordinary facial expression.I will be introducing how a studio look like.
7. Stage performer: I like to act. Actress is not a challenge enough job, but stage act is absolutely different. Filming a normal movie, you can refilm it again and again until you think it is great. However, for a stage performance, whatever you did wrong, you just have to go with it. I will be introducing how stage plays work.
8. Chinese talk show: There are not many people around the world still know how to perform a Chinese talk show. It will awesome if I use my ability to show others about Chinese talk show, and actually perform one. It will be great for the Chinese culture to last longer in a special way. I will be introducing what is a Chinese talk show.
9. Chinese instrument performer: I think I have this extraordinary skill than any other people. I know how to play an ancient Chinese instrument called the seven bamboo sticks. Not many people know about this instrument, even if they are Chinese. I will be introducing how to use a seven bamboo stick.
10. Voice for movies, video, or series: I want to be the voice of famous actors or actress in other languages. It is not just cool, but it is also fun. They have to portray these people's voice using their voice and sounded like what the original actor or actress wanted to do. I will be introducing some tips for portraying different voices.
2. Radio DJ: Like I said, I like to talk, that is what DJs normally do, they talk to people. It is not such a big challenge like a reporter for conquering the fear of being up stage. However, there is that challenge that DJs have to update their information around the world all the time, and know exactly what to say when people call in. I will be introducing how to throw random topics on a show.
4. Singer: I like to sing very much. I really wish that my voice can touch many people. I will be introducing some helpful tips on how to sing well up on the stage.
5. Director of a show: I don't actually know why, but I am really into these media fields. Directing a show will be very cool. Directors are most likely the biggest star before all the other casts that are on the show. They control everything in the show, which is quite interesting for me. I will be introducing how should a director behave and what do we need in order to be successful.
6. Newsreader: I think it will be a very cool job. It is more challenge than a reporter, because reporters are basically jus reading off facts, however, a newsreader must not only read off facts in correct pronunciation, but also with extraordinary facial expression.I will be introducing how a studio look like.
7. Stage performer: I like to act. Actress is not a challenge enough job, but stage act is absolutely different. Filming a normal movie, you can refilm it again and again until you think it is great. However, for a stage performance, whatever you did wrong, you just have to go with it. I will be introducing how stage plays work.
8. Chinese talk show: There are not many people around the world still know how to perform a Chinese talk show. It will awesome if I use my ability to show others about Chinese talk show, and actually perform one. It will be great for the Chinese culture to last longer in a special way. I will be introducing what is a Chinese talk show.
9. Chinese instrument performer: I think I have this extraordinary skill than any other people. I know how to play an ancient Chinese instrument called the seven bamboo sticks. Not many people know about this instrument, even if they are Chinese. I will be introducing how to use a seven bamboo stick.
10. Voice for movies, video, or series: I want to be the voice of famous actors or actress in other languages. It is not just cool, but it is also fun. They have to portray these people's voice using their voice and sounded like what the original actor or actress wanted to do. I will be introducing some tips for portraying different voices.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Shannon Weaver
It was very difficult for me to describe a picture when I and my partner are not on the same page. It is especially harder for me if I have to communicate with my partner using English with the lack of vocabulary I have for different shapes. Decoding is also a hard part to this activity. All the figures that were put out there, they looked so easy if we just trace it of the screen, and I am sure that it will be done in just a minute. However, when we depend on another person's description, we get confuse, and we try everything to just understand what exactly they are talking about. I do not think I will have much problems when it was describe in Chinese, since all Chinese characters describe things so exactly, and it is my first language. English vocabulary is probably the most difficult conflict I have to deal with in this activity.
Great praises and justice
Chia-Yi is a town that is located in the middle of Taiwan. In all the Chinese characters, they have many different meanings with just one character. Chia-Yi is made up of two Chinese characters, which are Chia and Yi. Chia stands for good, praise, and beautify. Yi is one of five Confucianism that many Asian peoe believe in, which are Rain,Yi, Li, Zh, and Shin. Each stands for a polite behavior for people, which are truth, justice, polite, wisdom, trust. Yi stands out the most in these five perspective because justice is how the world become peaceful as the way it is. The background story of the started with this brave worrior, coincidently named Chia-Yi. However, it was not why the name Chia-Yi formed. Chia-Yi is a great place to farm even nowadays. Back then, people get their lands by the law " who gets here first then who gets the land". It was a benefit to all people who held powers greatly, however, weak people don't always get what they want. In fact, some of them do not even get any just because stronger people steal their lands with power. Chia-Yi is a strong person, he is strong in power, also wealthy. He stood up with justice, and he fought for these poor people. He bought lands back to who they belongs to, and he declare the money trading system for owning lands. He was remember greatly for what he had done to the majority people back then, so he was given Chia-Chung, which meant reward. Because he had done something so greatly impressive, people wanted to praise him and remember his, eventually, they named the town after him. Not only because his name was Chia-Yi, but also because he stood up with Yi, and was rewarded with Chia-Chung and great praise.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Myth Skits
The first skit we saw was very interesting, and it got much of my attention. I think the group developed and shaped the character pretty well. I especially like the fighting scenes they had in the skit. The two characters fought very realistic, and it adds up a great element of the story. However, I do not quite get what the story is about, because the narrator kind of mumbled, so I think they could have done it better for the narrator to speak up just a little bit. I mainly focused on the acting part of the scenes than what the story was trying to tell. I think they did the acting part very well.
The second skit we saw was done by my group. I like the story plot and the skit we developed.It was very shocking for everyone that we thought the bear was dead, but she was actually cursed to be a bear. We really put hard work into portray different type of personalities. I think we did quite well. However, we should have memorize the skit better, because we missed out some part of our skit, or else the skit will probably be better done.
The third skit we saw was very detailed in different information. I enjoy learning about information that was added into the skit. I really enjoy the acting, because the character got the audience attention by interacting with the audience. I think it was a pretty successful skit when the audience attention was caught by the actor. Overall, I like the skit very much.
The second skit we saw was done by my group. I like the story plot and the skit we developed.It was very shocking for everyone that we thought the bear was dead, but she was actually cursed to be a bear. We really put hard work into portray different type of personalities. I think we did quite well. However, we should have memorize the skit better, because we missed out some part of our skit, or else the skit will probably be better done.
The third skit we saw was very detailed in different information. I enjoy learning about information that was added into the skit. I really enjoy the acting, because the character got the audience attention by interacting with the audience. I think it was a pretty successful skit when the audience attention was caught by the actor. Overall, I like the skit very much.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
If you will just listen carefully.......
I believe communication is a really important part of human society. I do not know what will happen if there is no communication between people, but what I do know is that good communication fix problems between people. In addition, it helps a group to cooperate better.
In order to have a good communication with each other, listening will play the most important part of it.
If we somehow tuned out in the middle of a conversation, we will not get to know each other. It is especially worse when we are angry toward someone, if we just keep tuning out and not having a good conversation, the good friendship between the two will never become better. Misunderstandings are normally the biggest problem that causes people to have a fight with others. In my opinion, the best way to clear off misunderstood that caused the fight is to listen. When we will just listening carefully, we will no assume what others are saying. Then, we will not misunderstood other people's thoughts, eventually, the great communication keeps the strong relationships.
We can have a good communication skill when we practice them. First tip is that you should always think what you are going to say in your mind first, then say it out after thinking about it. Second tip is that don't speak when you are angry, because you will not have a clear idea of what you are saying at the moment. Simply tell people, "It's not the right time to talk."I think they will understand. Third tip is that you should never say something rude to a person or hiding some secrets behind them, because this will cause the relationship the break down when there is no trust in the relationship. Most importantly, listen carefully during the conversation, it will always bring good effect to the conversation.
In order to have a good communication with each other, listening will play the most important part of it.
If we somehow tuned out in the middle of a conversation, we will not get to know each other. It is especially worse when we are angry toward someone, if we just keep tuning out and not having a good conversation, the good friendship between the two will never become better. Misunderstandings are normally the biggest problem that causes people to have a fight with others. In my opinion, the best way to clear off misunderstood that caused the fight is to listen. When we will just listening carefully, we will no assume what others are saying. Then, we will not misunderstood other people's thoughts, eventually, the great communication keeps the strong relationships.
We can have a good communication skill when we practice them. First tip is that you should always think what you are going to say in your mind first, then say it out after thinking about it. Second tip is that don't speak when you are angry, because you will not have a clear idea of what you are saying at the moment. Simply tell people, "It's not the right time to talk."I think they will understand. Third tip is that you should never say something rude to a person or hiding some secrets behind them, because this will cause the relationship the break down when there is no trust in the relationship. Most importantly, listen carefully during the conversation, it will always bring good effect to the conversation.
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